Jump starting a carHave you noticed that people tend to think about car battery care only during the winter? But, it is time they took it past the winter and learn to care for their batteries in summer too. The true fact is, it is during the summer that their car batteries need more care. The exhaustive summer heat speeds up the chemical reactions taking place inside the battery, and causes the battery to be overcharged. This would result in shortening the lifespan of the battery. There are also chances that the internal battery fluid evaporates due to the heat.

Here are a few tips to help keep your battery in good shape through the entire summer:

  • Prevention is always better than cure. Always read about the battery from the car manual and ensure you know about the indicator lights in your car
  • Always do a visual inspection to check for battery faults. See if it is bulging, cracked or leaking
  • The unbearable heat can lead to battery fluid evaporation which might result in speeding up of corrosion. Clean the connections by removing any visible corrosion, or rust from the top of the battery
  • Check the water level in each cell of your battery
  • Ensure the plates are covered to prevent sulfation and also to reduce the possibility of an internal battery explosion

Always avoid overfilling of your car batteries as the heat can cause the solution to overflow by expansion

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